Author Topic: An old 3D Rad 1.x-5.x user back to check on the community  (Read 11916 times)


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An old 3D Rad 1.x-5.x user back to check on the community
« on: February 12, 2021, 03:44:53 AM »

I used to go by Gigabyte on the old forums back in the day, and worked on a few demos and projects that were never finished, but I learned a lot in the process. I was digging through some of my old data, and ran across my old compiled demos. It's hard to get some of these games to run since I used some of the really old versions of 3D Rad. I've tried on Windows 10 and on Wine for Linux with limited success. I do have some old files that I could add to the downloads section. I'll try and contribute to the community in the coming months, and would like to cover some of the old 3D Rad stuff on Youtube. Admin, if there is a way to donate to this community to keep it alive send me an IM.


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Re: An old 3D Rad 1.x-5.x user back to check on the community
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2021, 07:58:19 AM »
Hello, I recall you from the old days there. I was just wondering if 3impact / 3DRad were still around and found this page. I see that it tried to come back but appears to have died off again.  :/


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Re: An old 3D Rad 1.x-5.x user back to check on the community
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2021, 01:28:51 PM »
Hey Guys!

What are the odds... I was just reminiscing about 3DRad and thought I'd check to see if the web-site still existed.
It's great to hear from both of you guys and I hope you both are doing well during these crazy times.

It's been many years, I was probably 13 or 14 years old when I first met you both... I'm 32 now, so yea... time has definitely flown by.
I'd love to catch up over chat again... Sadly I don't have MSN Messenger ( or all those old IM chats we used to use! LOL! )

@Exavior, do you still have that old RPG game you were working on? ;-) I'll never forget how cool of a project that was! I think I still have you as a friend on Xbox Live haha!

@Gigabyte, I'll never forget the free hosting you provided for my Sudden Death tank game :D!

haha, those were some great memories!
Let's definitely catch up sometime!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 01:54:59 PM by idahorazor »


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Re: An old 3D Rad 1.x-5.x user back to check on the community
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2021, 07:59:24 AM »
Hey guys! Wow, awesome to see old 3DRad'ites still kicking about. I used to go by "Mark" back in the day.

I was like, in my mid-teens back then. Kind of lost touch with game development after v5.2. After that i kicked around, did some modding in various games, and life just happened I guess.

Started looking around to reconnect with my 3DRad roots a bit, as I recently got the opportunity to re-ignite that old passion by enrolling in university. For the next 3 years I will be studying Game Development - Programming, and working my way to towards a Bachelors degree in Information Technology.  I  thought 33 was too old to go back to school, but I decided it's better late than never to pursue childhood dreams. :)

So great to see old faces again, kind of wish I could get old 5.2 or 2.6 working again... I wonder if 1.x could actually run in DosBox?  ;D